Merrette Dowdell

Hola, I’m Merrette and I’ve been teaching a variation of barre going on 6 years! My journey started in Columbia at Barre3 right after my son (second and last kid) was born. Life had a different plan and my family picked up and moved to Florence for my husband's job. It also happens to be where I grew up, Go Knights! I continued to teach barre mixed with low and high impact cardio at McLeod Health and Fitness Center for a class I created called SWEAT.

During COVID I took a much needed break from teaching and focused on at home workouts that were strength-centric and took up running. Alas, the barre was calling ;) and I started a 30 day trial at Soulift and haven’t looked back since. If I’m not at the barre you can find me sourcing local fruits and vegetables from the City Center Farmers Market as their Project Coordinator. My family of four and the Farmers Market keep me busy but it’s in the middle of teaching a class that feeds my soul. I hope you’ll join me!