Taneshia Muldrow

Taneshia is a Brooklyn NY native but raised in Florence where she attended Wilson High School. She has a B.A. in Psychology and a Masters in School Counseling and Mental Health. Taneshia is an Elementary School Counselor and a proud mom of a 21 year old. Taneshia enjoys dancing, eating great food and spending quality time with family and friends. Because she believes wholeheartedly that you can't pour from an empty cup, thus she started her quest to find self care practices that elevated making herself a priority. Taneshia found SOULIFT. SOULIFT offered everything she wanted in ways to practice movement, improving her strength,balance and flexibility. Following her first class,YINSPIRED, the supported poses and mindful breath work took getting to know herself to a new level. After that Taneshia was convinced that she was in the right place.